
Menampilkan postingan dari 2008

Loose Control

bingung banget seh... 6 bulan skripsi kelar gak ya???


2JT NET CALL OR SMS 085228974228


4,3jt nego

ATOM Black

2,4jt nego

Ultimate 9502

5,85jt nego call or sms 085228974228

PDA murah DOPOD 838

2,85jt nego Call or sms via 085228974228

tugas madas tulung ya Zi

ya pliss tanggal 3 dikumpul


Ada banyak aplikasi pihak ketiga yang mampu mengkonversi slide anda menjadi screen saver. Namun bila anda menginginkan solusi cepat dan tidak memerlukan animasi atau transisi macem-macem. Anda bisa membuat screen saver dari slide atau keseluruhan presentasi dengan menggunakan PowerPoint dan windos XP. Pertama-tama, simpan slide atau presentasi anda dalam bentuk file bitmap.bmp to be continued..

Application of Parametric Model Checking – The Root Contention Protokol

Introduction and overview The IEEE 1394 high performance serial bus was first developed – under the name FireWire- by Apple Computer, Inc. and later formally approved and accepted as a standard by IEEE in 1996. Various parts of IEEE 1394 have been specified and/or formally verified. Among these are the link layer core , the leader election protocol and other communication mechanisms . In this paper we focus in the verification of the root Contention protocol. A verification for this protocol has been al-ready conducted using a formal verification technique based on theorem proving but, as far as we know, it has never been automatically verified using a model checking technique. Read More...

paket mikrotik 133C

paket 133C Routerboard 133c (MIPS CPU, 16MB DDR RAM, 64MB NAND Storage) + RouterOS Level3 (CPE/CF). Memiliki 1 buah port ethernet untuk PoE, dan 1 slot miniPCI, dengan 1 buah card miniPCI wireless card A+B+G dalam kotak outdoor. price : USD $221

cara cepat buka program

sering kali kita direpotkan dengan start menu windows yang tak beraturan sehingga kita harus mencari aplikasi yang mau kita buka. ada cara cepat untuk membuka aplikasi tanpa masuk start menu program langsung saja! 1. langkah pertama buka start menu program 2. kemudian pilih program yang paling sering atau mau kita pakai, untuk contoh misal kita mau buka ms.word 3. langkah berikutnya klik kanan properties pada tab shortcut key tinggal dimasukan key misal ctrl+alt+w gampang kan !!... selamat mencoba

Basic Linux Command

ls  = List the contents of a directory ls  = " " and show additional information on the files ls -a = List the dirs contents including the hidden files cat = concatenate a file less = view files and paginate them if needed more = view file one screen at a time cd = change directory cd~ = go back to home directory cp = copy a file cp -i= copy a file but ask before overwriting cp -r = copy a directory with all of its contente mv = move or rename a file mv -i= move or rename a file, but ask first rm -i= ask before removing a file, good to use with-r mkdir (name)= make a directory rmdir= remove an empty directory man (command) = read the manual on (command) pwd = "Print Working Directory" show the dir that you are in

Langkah AwaL

Eit... bloggku eror neh jyan...mulai mneh kie... huh... payah