Basic Linux Command

ls  = List the contents of a directory
ls  = " " and show additional information on the files
ls -a = List the dirs contents including the hidden files

cat = concatenate a file
less = view files and paginate them if needed
more = view file one screen at a time

cd = change directory
cd~ = go back to home directory
cp = copy a file
cp -i= copy a file but ask before overwriting
cp -r = copy a directory with all of its contente
mv = move or rename a file
mv -i= move or rename a file, but ask first
rm -i= ask before removing a file, good to use with-r
mkdir (name)= make a directory
rmdir= remove an empty directory
man (command) = read the manual on (command)
pwd = "Print Working Directory" show the dir that you are in


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